Beaver Siding Train Station / Museum Project

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The Beaver Valley Recreation Committee invites residents of the Beaver Valley to learn about and provide feedback on a proposed project to construct an historical attraction alongside Nelson & Fort Sheppard Railway (NFTS) tracks in Railway Heritage Park in the Village of Fruitvale.

The project team aims to share information about the proposed project and get the word out about this exciting development in the Beaver Valley.

To that end, we held a virtual town hall on April 20, 2021 that was well attended. Anyone who didn't make it to that town hall can watch the Zoom video recording by clicking on this link or pasting it into your browser:

About the project:

  • Includes construction of a train station to house important local artifacts, and relocation of the Park Siding School House to the same site near the existing rail line in the centre of the Village.
  • Train Station to resemble the original Great Northern Train Station built in Fruitvale in the early 1900's (with modern conveniences and construction methods)
  • Proposal being developed in cooperation with The Nelson & Ft. Sheppard Railway Co., the Village of Fruitvale, and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Electoral Area A.
  • Train Station will function as a Community Centre and Museum - Meeting hall, with light kitchen.

A project summary and draft station design document is available to read/download in the Documents section of this page and we'll add a report on the town hall next.

Thanks for participating,

The Project Team

The Beaver Valley Recreation Committee invites residents of the Beaver Valley to learn about and provide feedback on a proposed project to construct an historical attraction alongside Nelson & Fort Sheppard Railway (NFTS) tracks in Railway Heritage Park in the Village of Fruitvale.

The project team aims to share information about the proposed project and get the word out about this exciting development in the Beaver Valley.

To that end, we held a virtual town hall on April 20, 2021 that was well attended. Anyone who didn't make it to that town hall can watch the Zoom video recording by clicking on this link or pasting it into your browser:

About the project:

  • Includes construction of a train station to house important local artifacts, and relocation of the Park Siding School House to the same site near the existing rail line in the centre of the Village.
  • Train Station to resemble the original Great Northern Train Station built in Fruitvale in the early 1900's (with modern conveniences and construction methods)
  • Proposal being developed in cooperation with The Nelson & Ft. Sheppard Railway Co., the Village of Fruitvale, and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Electoral Area A.
  • Train Station will function as a Community Centre and Museum - Meeting hall, with light kitchen.

A project summary and draft station design document is available to read/download in the Documents section of this page and we'll add a report on the town hall next.

Thanks for participating,

The Project Team

Questions & Comments - send them to our project team

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  • Share How can we incorporate meaningful acknowledgment and input of indigenous peoples displaced because of settlement of our area? on Facebook Share How can we incorporate meaningful acknowledgment and input of indigenous peoples displaced because of settlement of our area? on Twitter Share How can we incorporate meaningful acknowledgment and input of indigenous peoples displaced because of settlement of our area? on Linkedin Email How can we incorporate meaningful acknowledgment and input of indigenous peoples displaced because of settlement of our area? link

    How can we incorporate meaningful acknowledgment and input of indigenous peoples displaced because of settlement of our area?

    Lharper asked almost 4 years ago

    Once we have completed our build, as already mentioned, we will invite various groups to display and share their local history as they are the ones most knowledgeable for telling their own stories. We plan to proactively engage any group that has a connection to local and regional history. Display space will be offered on a rotational basis to these groups due to space limitations.  This approach will therefore be all-inclusive and offer a broad spectrum of history to Valley residents.

  • Share Are the building proposals ( train station & school) , or the construction/ relocation of same going to impact negatively on the landscaping project that was funded by grant money from Fortis? Unfortunate if work that was done via previous grants is lost or unappreciated, why would other grants ever be considered . How much green space will be lost. It is very common for green space to be provided only to have it built on for other projects. Any greenspace lost should be replaced elsewhere . on Facebook Share Are the building proposals ( train station & school) , or the construction/ relocation of same going to impact negatively on the landscaping project that was funded by grant money from Fortis? Unfortunate if work that was done via previous grants is lost or unappreciated, why would other grants ever be considered . How much green space will be lost. It is very common for green space to be provided only to have it built on for other projects. Any greenspace lost should be replaced elsewhere . on Twitter Share Are the building proposals ( train station & school) , or the construction/ relocation of same going to impact negatively on the landscaping project that was funded by grant money from Fortis? Unfortunate if work that was done via previous grants is lost or unappreciated, why would other grants ever be considered . How much green space will be lost. It is very common for green space to be provided only to have it built on for other projects. Any greenspace lost should be replaced elsewhere . on Linkedin Email Are the building proposals ( train station & school) , or the construction/ relocation of same going to impact negatively on the landscaping project that was funded by grant money from Fortis? Unfortunate if work that was done via previous grants is lost or unappreciated, why would other grants ever be considered . How much green space will be lost. It is very common for green space to be provided only to have it built on for other projects. Any greenspace lost should be replaced elsewhere . link

    Are the building proposals ( train station & school) , or the construction/ relocation of same going to impact negatively on the landscaping project that was funded by grant money from Fortis? Unfortunate if work that was done via previous grants is lost or unappreciated, why would other grants ever be considered . How much green space will be lost. It is very common for green space to be provided only to have it built on for other projects. Any greenspace lost should be replaced elsewhere .

    Paul asked almost 4 years ago

    The Beaver Valley highly values all of our green space.  Much or all of the proposed construction will take place on the grassy part of our Railway Park, as we intend to leave the walk way and garden spaces untouched.   Should any piece of this beautiful park be disturbed it will be remediated as part or our overall project objectives.  While Fortis was a generous contributor to our Railway Park, there were many other funders: Village of Fruitvale, Area A, Atco Wood Products, Selkirk Paving, Beaver Valley Manor, Individual families, Seib Construction, Alva Irrigation, Piccolo Lawn Care, April Kopp, Wayne’s Excavating, JR Excavating, Hubscher Logging, Blooming Society, Larry Levesque, Jim Simmons and Lakewood Landscapes. This was a collaboration of many, and our apologies if we missed anyone, as this park was created some time ago.  Additionally, the Village also has plans to create yet more green space alongside the creek on their recently acquired land between the RV park and the liquor store/veterinary building.

  • Share The Beaver Valley & Pend d’Oreille Historical Society is both pleased and excited for the opportunity to participate in the Beaver Siding Train Station and Museum Project. We look forward to displaying the society’s artifacts and making history come alive for all residents. We note on the plans many display cases and our main concerns are adequate lighting, temperature control and or course, security. We also wondered if there were storage facilities on site beyond what the display cases hold – to be viable the displays would need to be changed periodically to maintain local interest. The Society is very keen to be involved in planning and setting up the displays and look forward to further discussions. on Facebook Share The Beaver Valley & Pend d’Oreille Historical Society is both pleased and excited for the opportunity to participate in the Beaver Siding Train Station and Museum Project. We look forward to displaying the society’s artifacts and making history come alive for all residents. We note on the plans many display cases and our main concerns are adequate lighting, temperature control and or course, security. We also wondered if there were storage facilities on site beyond what the display cases hold – to be viable the displays would need to be changed periodically to maintain local interest. The Society is very keen to be involved in planning and setting up the displays and look forward to further discussions. on Twitter Share The Beaver Valley & Pend d’Oreille Historical Society is both pleased and excited for the opportunity to participate in the Beaver Siding Train Station and Museum Project. We look forward to displaying the society’s artifacts and making history come alive for all residents. We note on the plans many display cases and our main concerns are adequate lighting, temperature control and or course, security. We also wondered if there were storage facilities on site beyond what the display cases hold – to be viable the displays would need to be changed periodically to maintain local interest. The Society is very keen to be involved in planning and setting up the displays and look forward to further discussions. on Linkedin Email The Beaver Valley & Pend d’Oreille Historical Society is both pleased and excited for the opportunity to participate in the Beaver Siding Train Station and Museum Project. We look forward to displaying the society’s artifacts and making history come alive for all residents. We note on the plans many display cases and our main concerns are adequate lighting, temperature control and or course, security. We also wondered if there were storage facilities on site beyond what the display cases hold – to be viable the displays would need to be changed periodically to maintain local interest. The Society is very keen to be involved in planning and setting up the displays and look forward to further discussions. link

    The Beaver Valley & Pend d’Oreille Historical Society is both pleased and excited for the opportunity to participate in the Beaver Siding Train Station and Museum Project. We look forward to displaying the society’s artifacts and making history come alive for all residents. We note on the plans many display cases and our main concerns are adequate lighting, temperature control and or course, security. We also wondered if there were storage facilities on site beyond what the display cases hold – to be viable the displays would need to be changed periodically to maintain local interest. The Society is very keen to be involved in planning and setting up the displays and look forward to further discussions.

    Grace Terness asked almost 4 years ago

    As we are in early design phase of this proposed project, we have yet to nail down interior details.  Our intent would be to provide adequate lighting, temperature control, and security features as key considerations. It would be also be our intention to reach out to various groups within the community to share their own stories of the Valley AND of the region.  We will engage first with the BV Pend O’Reille Historical Society, and other such groups as local museums, First Nation Groups, West Kootenay Metis Association, Fruitvale CoOp, Local Forestry companies and grocers.  Lots of history here! There are many groups we wish to invite to share their stories, on a rotational basis, in this public facility. We look forward to connecting with the Pend O’reille Historical Society as well as other experts in local and regional history.

  • Share Did people in Beaver Valley show a lot of interest in a train museum before this was designed? I love the way Railway Park looks now. on Facebook Share Did people in Beaver Valley show a lot of interest in a train museum before this was designed? I love the way Railway Park looks now. on Twitter Share Did people in Beaver Valley show a lot of interest in a train museum before this was designed? I love the way Railway Park looks now. on Linkedin Email Did people in Beaver Valley show a lot of interest in a train museum before this was designed? I love the way Railway Park looks now. link

    Did people in Beaver Valley show a lot of interest in a train museum before this was designed? I love the way Railway Park looks now.

    Cseifrit asked almost 4 years ago

    Beaver Valley Recreation was approached by a member of the public almost FIVE years ago with the idea of a Train Station. The proposed build is a Train Station/mini museum/community meeting space.  Not a TRAIN MUSEUM specifically.  As mentioned in some of our opening comments this idea came to us a few years ago from local residents to share local history through the creation of a Train Station as rail transportation played such a large role of settling many communities across the country. We too love Railway Park, as do the many investors who took part in that build.  We have no intention of changing what this great park has offered.

    Further, we hope to create a little more interest in the Pole Yard parking lot. Let’s bring some of our own locals into the downtown core.  Educate our residents on local and regional history.  Create a buzz adding in some economic development. Bring in some tourists. Get them to stop and have lunch. Shop in our stores. And of course, we create the space to tell our own story. 

Page last updated: 21 Apr 2021, 10:22 AM