Project Update - May 2024
Phases 1 and 2 of the planning process are now complete and we are currently working towards the end of phase 3 with public survey #2 that will go live in the coming month.
Two reports were produced as part of this project's first two phases, including the South Kootenay Green Link Baseline Conditions Report and the Round 1 Engagement What We Heard Report.
The Baseline Conditions Report provides an in-depth analysis of existing conditions to guide the SKGL plan. It reviewed the area's community profile, covering transportation mode share and demographic trends; and assessed land use, key destinations, and future growth areas. The report detailed an existing network analysis that highlighted underserved desire lines and mapped out road classifications, as well as existing and future active transportation infrastructure. Additionally, it outlined the policy and planning context, provided initial route segment alignments for stakeholder feedback, and included the results from the Steering Committee Workshop #1 along with a preliminary list of criteria for route selection.
The What We Heard Report provides results from the first round of engagement, including the key takeaways to improve active transportation in the area. It highlights what we heard from all of the engagement activities completed to date, including the ideas fair, the first online survey, an interactive mapping activity, and interviews with key audiences.
Thank you again to everyone who has provided feedback so far!
Thank you for your contribution!
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