What is Active Transportation?

    Active transportation, as defined in the BC Active Transportation Design Guide, includes any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling using a skateboard, in-line skates, wheelchair or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation.

    How do I give input?

    Participate in a public survey by going to the RDKB’s “Join the Conversation” online platform or filling out a mailed hard copy. This survey will help us better understand the barriers facing area residents who use the active transportation network and what route preferences they might have with a ranking exercise.

    How can I learn more?

    Join us for an open-house style event where members of the public and key stakeholders can “drop in” to the event and interact with a series of boards. Participants will have an opportunity to share their feedback and vote on principles and best practices from elsewhere that they would like to see for the South Kootenay Green Link.

    What is the plan process?

    Phase 1: Understanding
    Phase 2: Listening (survey #1, stakeholder interviews, ideas fair, bikeshops)
    Phase 3: Developing (stakeholder and community group workshops, survey #2)
    Phase 4: Finalizing