Why are we asking for feedback on accessibility?

    People with disabilities report that barriers make it hard to experience full and equal participation in society.  

    We need to understand the specific barriers people face to remove them.

    We are asking for feedback on the RDKB’s programs, services, and facilities to improve accessibility and inclusivity. 

    What will be done with my feedback?

    The RDKB’s Accessibility Advisory Committee will be the first to read your feedback. 

    Your feedback may influence:

    •    The RDKB’s Accessibility Plan

    •    Policies and procedures

    •    Changes to remove barriers and increase accessibility and inclusivity

    •    What we do to prevent barriers in the future.

    How will I know if my feedback has been addressed?

    The RDKB’s Accessibility Committee will report out annually on feedback received and actions taken. 

    You will not get a status update about your feedback. If you share your contact information, you may get a follow up request from us wanting to understand your experience better. If there are no questions, you may not be contacted. 

    What do you mean by “accessibility”, “disability” and “barrier”?

    We are using the definitions outlined in the Accessible British Columbia Act:

    By “accessibility” we mean “How easily can this thing be reached, entered, or used by a person with a disability?

    By “disability” we mean the experience of not being able to equally and fully participate in or access something because of a “barrier” and an “impairment.”

    An “impairment” includes an impairment considered:

    •    Physical

    •    Sensory

    •    Mental

    •    Intellectual or cognitive

    These impairments may be:

    •    Permanent

    •    Temporary

    •    Episodic

    By “barrier” we mean anything that hinders someone with an impairment from easily accessing something or take part equally and/or fully.

    Examples of barriers:

    •    Buildings with no wheelchair ramps at the entrances

    •    Floors without wheelchair-accessible washrooms

    •    Information that is hard to understand

    •    Forms that are not available in a different form, like Braille or large print

    •    Important videos without captioning or ASL alternatives

    •    A local government employee that uses language that is rude about your disability or difference.

    Who can provide feedback?

    We want feedback from anyone in the RDKB who:

    •    Experiences a barrier

    •    Witnesses someone experiencing a barrier.

    What kind of feedback can I provide?

    We want to know the specific barriers people face when they are trying to:

    •    Access a program, location or information we offer

    •    Receive a service or support

    We’re seeking:

    •    Descriptions of experiences and how they impact you

    •    Recommendations for how barriers can be removed.

    How will my privacy be protected?

    The questions in the feedback survey are optional. They are there to help you provide us with information about barriers. You can share as much or as little as you want.

    Any personal details you share will be kept safe as required under section 26(c) of the Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act.