Christina Lake Water Utility Source Protection Plan

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Thanks for participating in the Christina Lake Water Utility Source Protection Plan. We have now completed our plan and incorporated your input. Please feel free to view and download the plan from our document library on this project page. If you have any questions or comments, contact our project team at

Safe drinking water is a basic necessity of life and a key public health priority in British Columbia, where water supply systems are regulated under the Drinking Water Protection Act (DWPA).

Our online engagement process is now completed and the final report is available in the document library on this page.

The Christina Lake Water Utility sources water directly from Christina Lake. As part of the RDKB's responsibility to provide safe drinking water, the Christina Lake Water Utility Source Protection Plan will identify existing hazards and contaminants to water quality and quantity and assess these possible risks. The plan will

Safe drinking water is a basic necessity of life and a key public health priority in British Columbia, where water supply systems are regulated under the Drinking Water Protection Act (DWPA).

Our online engagement process is now completed and the final report is available in the document library on this page.

The Christina Lake Water Utility sources water directly from Christina Lake. As part of the RDKB's responsibility to provide safe drinking water, the Christina Lake Water Utility Source Protection Plan will identify existing hazards and contaminants to water quality and quantity and assess these possible risks. The plan will then provide recommendations to improve drinking water protection, ensure a more resilient water supply and provide the RDKB with the necessary tools to protect water sources within the watershed.

The BC Comprehensive Drinking Water Source to Tap Assessment Guideline is used to guide the planning process. This guideline provides a structured and consistent approach to evaluating risks to drinking water.

The focus of the plan is to:

1. Delineate and characterize the water source.

2. Conduct a contaminants source inventory.

3. Characterize risks from source to tap.

4. Recommend action to improve drinking water protection.

Your input will be used by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) - made up of a Drinking Water Officer, Water Operators, Managers, Technical Experts and other stakeholders - to characterize the risks and recommend actions to improve drinking water protection.

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Source Water Hazards Map

over 4 years

This map allowed you to enter the locations of hazards you felt affected the quality and quantity of your drinking water.

The Places tool is now closed. We'll report back on results shortly. 

Thanks for participating. 

The Engagement Team

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded