CBT Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program - 2022

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Sign saying, "Community Gardens" embedded in a rustic tractor frame, with various herbs and flowers growing in a garden in the background.

2022 Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs

Regional Districts and Indigenous Partners within the Columbia Basin deliver the Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Funding Programs (CIP/AAP) on behalf of the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT). The program is intended to be flexible and incorporate community based funding decisions in support of projects that provide additional value and benefits to the communities of the Basin.

During the 2022 Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program Intake period from January 10 to February 28, 2022, fifty-two (52) project submissions were submitted by forty-seven (47) organizations requesting $645,034.99 in CIP funding consideration.

$353,473.03 in CIP funding support was approved at the April 13th RDKB Board to the following organizations for their projects listed. Organizations are expected to have their projects completed by June 30, 2023 at which time a final project report is due. If the 2022 funded project is not complete as of June 30th 2023 organizations need to provide an interim report providing details of the progress of the project or request a project extension explaining the circumstances and conditions pertaining to the request. All projects in receipt of CIP funding support from years 2021 and earlier must satisfy funding requirements by December 31, 2022 in order to be considered eligible for 2023 CIP funding consideration.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page to view additional information regarding project reporting requirements.

Registered Applicant/OrganizationProject TitleElectoral
Amount of Area Recommendation
2nd Rossland ScoutsThe Rossland Scout Hall Upgrade ProjectCity of Rossland
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationArea B$3,421.20
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationCity of Rossland$835.71
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationCity of Trail$500.00
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationVillage of Warfield$500.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramArea B$500.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramBeaver Valley$1,500.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramCity of Rossland$675.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramCity of Trail$1,750.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramVillage of Warfield$500.00
Beaver Valley Blooming SocietyBlooming FruitvaleBeaver Valley$5,950.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballArea B$2,000.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballBeaver Valley$1,800.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballCity of Rossland$700.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballCity of Trail$4,500.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballVillage of Warfield$3,400.00
Beaver Valley Golf and Recreation SocietyChampion Lakes Restaurant UpgradeBeaver Valley$21,500.00
Beaver Valley Manor SocietyBeaver Valley Manor Exterior Building ProjectBeaver Valley$45,000.00
Beaver Valley X-Country Ski ClubInstall solar lighting in sno-cat garageBeaver Valley$3,000.00
Beaver Valley X-Country Ski ClubInstall solar lighting in sno-cat garageCity of Trail$1,000.00
Bee Awareness SocietyBee Awareness Education ProgramCity of Rossland$1,964.29
Bee Awareness SocietyBee Awareness Education ProgramCity of Trail$3,500.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectArea B$1,000.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectBeaver Valley$1,000.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectCity of Rossland$1,083.86
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectCity of Trail$750.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectVillage of Warfield$800.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyYouth Pulling TogetherCity of Rossland$1,071.43
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyYouth Pulling TogetherCity of Trail$900.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyYouth Pulling TogetherVillage of Warfield$1,000.00
City of Trail (Trail Museum & Archives)Threads of Our Past - A Textile ExhibitionCity of Trail$3,750.00
Community in Faith Pastoral ChargeB C Framers' Market Coupon ProgramBeaver Valley$2,000.00
Community in Faith Pastoral ChargeB C Framers' Market Coupon ProgramCity of Trail$2,000.00
Community in Faith Pastoral ChargeB C Framers' Market Coupon ProgramVillage of Warfield$2,000.00
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramArea B$414.50
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramBeaver Valley$1,339.33
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramCity of Rossland$1,177.29
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramCity of Trail$2,308.50
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramVillage of Warfield$510.96
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022Area B$1,000.00
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022Beaver Valley$1,000.00
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022City of Trail$500.00
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022Village of Warfield$700.00
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectArea B$2,750.00
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectBeaver Valley$1,490.15
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectCity of Rossland$2,142.86
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectCity of Trail$15,000.00
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectVillage of Warfield$2,750.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectArea B$1,500.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectBeaver Valley$2,000.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectCity of Rossland$2,642.86
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectCity of Trail$8,000.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectVillage of Warfield$2,500.00
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenArea B$450.00
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenCity of Rossland$307.86
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenCity of Trail$830.00
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenVillage of Warfield$600.00
Kootenay-Columbia School District 20Outdoor Learning Classroom Kits for Local Schools in the RDKBCity of Rossland$671.43
Kootenay-Columbia School District 20Outdoor Learning Classroom Kits for Local Schools in the RDKBCity of Trail$2,500.00
Kootenay-Columbia School District 20Outdoor Learning Classroom Kits for Local Schools in the RDKBVillage of Warfield$500.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeFruitvale Farmers MarketBeaver Valley$4,500.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeHills to Valley Garden & Art TourBeaver Valley$750.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeHills to Valley Garden & Art TourCity of Trail$750.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeHills to Valley Garden & Art TourVillage of Warfield$750.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeTrail's Incredible Farmers Market / MarketingCity of Trail$3,000.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeTrail's Incredible Farmers Market Equipment and MarketingCity of Trail$2,500.00
Montrose Youth Action Team SocietyFlourish Montrose 5Beaver Valley$3,000.00
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentArea B$2,010.00
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentCity of Rossland$3,453.14
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentCity of Trail$3,000.00
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentVillage of Warfield$3,400.00
Rossland Arena SocietyThe Rossland Arena Concession Upgrade ProjectCity of Rossland$5,853.57
Rossland Council for Arts and CultureArtWalk Plaques for Rossland Public ArtCity of Rossland$1,057.14
Rossland Fall Fair Core GroupRossland Fall Fair 2022Area B$1,000.00
Rossland Fall Fair Core GroupRossland Fall Fair 2022City of Rossland$2,183.29
Rossland Society for Environmental ActionReplacement of Vandalized "Flood of '69" Interpretative Sign in TrailVillage of Warfield$230.00
Rossland Summit School Parent Advisory CouncilRossland Summit School Cafeteria Greening ProjectCity of Rossland$3,982.86
Rossland Tennis SocietyMaintenance, Tools and Outdoor SeatingCity of Rossland$1,330.00
Salmo Ski ClubSalmo Ski Hill Infrastructure UpgradesArea B$5,000.00
Salmo Ski ClubSalmo Ski Hill Infrastructure UpgradesBeaver Valley$5,000.00
Salmo Ski ClubSalmo Ski Hill Infrastructure UpgradesCity of Trail$2,500.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceArea B$250.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceBeaver Valley$250.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceCity of Rossland$428.57
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceCity of Trail$1,090.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceVillage of Warfield$250.00
The Canadian Red Cross SocietyKeeping Up with the Demand for HELP Equipment as the Number of Loans in 2021 Increases 49% in One Year: The Highest Number of Loans in RDKB HistoryArea B$2,604.00
The Canadian Red Cross SocietyKeeping Up with the Demand for HELP Equipment as the Number of Loans in 2021 Increases 49% in One Year: The Highest Number of Loans in RDKB HistoryCity of Rossland$928.57
The Canadian Red Cross SocietyKeeping Up with the Demand for HELP Equipment as the Number of Loans in 2021 Increases 49% in One Year: The Highest Number of Loans in RDKB HistoryCity of Trail$3,000.00
The Corporation of the Village of FruitvaleVillage Community Charm Project Phase IIBeaver Valley$4,000.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsArea B$250.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsBeaver Valley$250.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsCity of Rossland$221.43
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsCity of Trail$950.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsVillage of Warfield$250.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsArea B$3,950.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsBeaver Valley$3,950.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsCity of Rossland$6,664.29
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsCity of Trail$3,000.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsVillage of Warfield$2,800.00
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.Area B$134.22
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.Beaver Valley$150.00
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.City of Rossland$85.71
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.City of Trail$3,260.24
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.Village of Warfield$164.22
Tourism Rossland SocietyRotating Sculpture LeaseCity of Rossland$970.86
Trail & District Public LibraryIndigenous Art and Craft WorkshopsCity of Trail$6,000.00
Trail & District Public LibraryIndigenous Art and Craft WorkshopsVillage of Warfield$1,896.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramArea B$1,850.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramBeaver Valley$1,850.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramCity of Rossland$761.57
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramCity of Trail$8,000.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramVillage of Warfield$1,850.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesArea B$1,500.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesCity of Rossland$750.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesCity of Trail$6,000.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesVillage of Warfield$1,500.00
Trail Chamber of CommerceKootenay Teen Chef ClubCity of Trail$17,833.75
Trail Chamber of CommerceKootenay Teen Chef ClubVillage of Warfield$6,222.85
Visions For Small Schools SocietyClassroom Expansion & FurnitureArea B$2,300.00
Visions For Small Schools SocietyClassroom Expansion & FurnitureCity of Rossland$2,928.57
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsBeaver Valley$1,500.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsCity of Rossland$1,585.71
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsCity of Trail$1,000.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsVillage of Warfield$1,000.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersArea B$500.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersBeaver Valley$1,500.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersCity of Rossland$1,357.14
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersCity of Trail$3,000.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersVillage of Warfield$1,000.00
West Kootenay Cycling CoalitionGreen Link GrindCity of Rossland$585.57
West Kootenay Cycling CoalitionGreen Link GrindCity of Trail$1,500.00
West Kootenay Cycling CoalitionGreen Link GrindVillage of Warfield$500.00
West Kooteny Minor Lacrosse AssociationWest kootenay expansionCity of Rossland$701.00
West Kooteny Minor Lacrosse AssociationWest kootenay expansionCity of Trail$1,500.00


Project reporting:

CIP Final Report (Schedule A)

CIP Interim Report (Schedule B)

Please contact our office at CBT-CIP@rdkb.com for copies of the final reports.

The Community Initiatives Program is funded by Columbia Basin Trust and is administered by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. The grant is shared among local communities within the Columbia Basin on the basis of population.

If you would like more information please email CBT-CIP@rdkb.com, call 250-368-9148 EXT 291

2022 Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs

Regional Districts and Indigenous Partners within the Columbia Basin deliver the Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Funding Programs (CIP/AAP) on behalf of the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT). The program is intended to be flexible and incorporate community based funding decisions in support of projects that provide additional value and benefits to the communities of the Basin.

During the 2022 Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program Intake period from January 10 to February 28, 2022, fifty-two (52) project submissions were submitted by forty-seven (47) organizations requesting $645,034.99 in CIP funding consideration.

$353,473.03 in CIP funding support was approved at the April 13th RDKB Board to the following organizations for their projects listed. Organizations are expected to have their projects completed by June 30, 2023 at which time a final project report is due. If the 2022 funded project is not complete as of June 30th 2023 organizations need to provide an interim report providing details of the progress of the project or request a project extension explaining the circumstances and conditions pertaining to the request. All projects in receipt of CIP funding support from years 2021 and earlier must satisfy funding requirements by December 31, 2022 in order to be considered eligible for 2023 CIP funding consideration.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page to view additional information regarding project reporting requirements.

Registered Applicant/OrganizationProject TitleElectoral
Amount of Area Recommendation
2nd Rossland ScoutsThe Rossland Scout Hall Upgrade ProjectCity of Rossland
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationArea B$3,421.20
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationCity of Rossland$835.71
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationCity of Trail$500.00
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship SocietyEvaluating Impacts/Effectiveness Wildfire MitigationVillage of Warfield$500.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramArea B$500.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramBeaver Valley$1,500.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramCity of Rossland$675.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramCity of Trail$1,750.00
BCSPCASpay Neuter Assistance ProgramVillage of Warfield$500.00
Beaver Valley Blooming SocietyBlooming FruitvaleBeaver Valley$5,950.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballArea B$2,000.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballBeaver Valley$1,800.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballCity of Rossland$700.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballCity of Trail$4,500.00
Beaver Valley Fastpitch AssociationContinued Promotion of SoftballVillage of Warfield$3,400.00
Beaver Valley Golf and Recreation SocietyChampion Lakes Restaurant UpgradeBeaver Valley$21,500.00
Beaver Valley Manor SocietyBeaver Valley Manor Exterior Building ProjectBeaver Valley$45,000.00
Beaver Valley X-Country Ski ClubInstall solar lighting in sno-cat garageBeaver Valley$3,000.00
Beaver Valley X-Country Ski ClubInstall solar lighting in sno-cat garageCity of Trail$1,000.00
Bee Awareness SocietyBee Awareness Education ProgramCity of Rossland$1,964.29
Bee Awareness SocietyBee Awareness Education ProgramCity of Trail$3,500.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectArea B$1,000.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectBeaver Valley$1,000.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectCity of Rossland$1,083.86
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectCity of Trail$750.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyEcoGarden ProjectVillage of Warfield$800.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyYouth Pulling TogetherCity of Rossland$1,071.43
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyYouth Pulling TogetherCity of Trail$900.00
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyYouth Pulling TogetherVillage of Warfield$1,000.00
City of Trail (Trail Museum & Archives)Threads of Our Past - A Textile ExhibitionCity of Trail$3,750.00
Community in Faith Pastoral ChargeB C Framers' Market Coupon ProgramBeaver Valley$2,000.00
Community in Faith Pastoral ChargeB C Framers' Market Coupon ProgramCity of Trail$2,000.00
Community in Faith Pastoral ChargeB C Framers' Market Coupon ProgramVillage of Warfield$2,000.00
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramArea B$414.50
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramBeaver Valley$1,339.33
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramCity of Rossland$1,177.29
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramCity of Trail$2,308.50
Greater Trail Hospice SocietyGreater Trail Hospice Society (GTHS) Volunteer Training ProgramVillage of Warfield$510.96
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022Area B$1,000.00
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022Beaver Valley$1,000.00
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022City of Trail$500.00
Horse Association Central KootenayYouth Polish Shine & Show and Horse Activities 2022Village of Warfield$700.00
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectArea B$2,750.00
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectBeaver Valley$1,490.15
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectCity of Rossland$2,142.86
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectCity of Trail$15,000.00
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital & Health FoundationUrodynamics ProjectVillage of Warfield$2,750.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectArea B$1,500.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectBeaver Valley$2,000.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectCity of Rossland$2,642.86
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectCity of Trail$8,000.00
Kootenay Brain Injury AssociationSTRIVE ProjectVillage of Warfield$2,500.00
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenArea B$450.00
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenCity of Rossland$307.86
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenCity of Trail$830.00
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (SD20)KCLC Native Plant & Pollinator GardenVillage of Warfield$600.00
Kootenay-Columbia School District 20Outdoor Learning Classroom Kits for Local Schools in the RDKBCity of Rossland$671.43
Kootenay-Columbia School District 20Outdoor Learning Classroom Kits for Local Schools in the RDKBCity of Trail$2,500.00
Kootenay-Columbia School District 20Outdoor Learning Classroom Kits for Local Schools in the RDKBVillage of Warfield$500.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeFruitvale Farmers MarketBeaver Valley$4,500.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeHills to Valley Garden & Art TourBeaver Valley$750.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeHills to Valley Garden & Art TourCity of Trail$750.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeHills to Valley Garden & Art TourVillage of Warfield$750.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeTrail's Incredible Farmers Market / MarketingCity of Trail$3,000.00
Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society - Sustainable Local Agriculture CommitteeTrail's Incredible Farmers Market Equipment and MarketingCity of Trail$2,500.00
Montrose Youth Action Team SocietyFlourish Montrose 5Beaver Valley$3,000.00
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentArea B$2,010.00
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentCity of Rossland$3,453.14
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentCity of Trail$3,000.00
Red Mountain Racer SocietyReplacement of Worn EquipmentVillage of Warfield$3,400.00
Rossland Arena SocietyThe Rossland Arena Concession Upgrade ProjectCity of Rossland$5,853.57
Rossland Council for Arts and CultureArtWalk Plaques for Rossland Public ArtCity of Rossland$1,057.14
Rossland Fall Fair Core GroupRossland Fall Fair 2022Area B$1,000.00
Rossland Fall Fair Core GroupRossland Fall Fair 2022City of Rossland$2,183.29
Rossland Society for Environmental ActionReplacement of Vandalized "Flood of '69" Interpretative Sign in TrailVillage of Warfield$230.00
Rossland Summit School Parent Advisory CouncilRossland Summit School Cafeteria Greening ProjectCity of Rossland$3,982.86
Rossland Tennis SocietyMaintenance, Tools and Outdoor SeatingCity of Rossland$1,330.00
Salmo Ski ClubSalmo Ski Hill Infrastructure UpgradesArea B$5,000.00
Salmo Ski ClubSalmo Ski Hill Infrastructure UpgradesBeaver Valley$5,000.00
Salmo Ski ClubSalmo Ski Hill Infrastructure UpgradesCity of Trail$2,500.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceArea B$250.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceBeaver Valley$250.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceCity of Rossland$428.57
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceCity of Trail$1,090.00
Selkirk College FoundationLivestreaming Equipment for the Mir Centre for PeaceVillage of Warfield$250.00
The Canadian Red Cross SocietyKeeping Up with the Demand for HELP Equipment as the Number of Loans in 2021 Increases 49% in One Year: The Highest Number of Loans in RDKB HistoryArea B$2,604.00
The Canadian Red Cross SocietyKeeping Up with the Demand for HELP Equipment as the Number of Loans in 2021 Increases 49% in One Year: The Highest Number of Loans in RDKB HistoryCity of Rossland$928.57
The Canadian Red Cross SocietyKeeping Up with the Demand for HELP Equipment as the Number of Loans in 2021 Increases 49% in One Year: The Highest Number of Loans in RDKB HistoryCity of Trail$3,000.00
The Corporation of the Village of FruitvaleVillage Community Charm Project Phase IIBeaver Valley$4,000.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsArea B$250.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsBeaver Valley$250.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsCity of Rossland$221.43
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsCity of Trail$950.00
The Greater Trail Area Creative Activities Centre Society for the Visual ArtsVISAC Gallery KidsVillage of Warfield$250.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsArea B$3,950.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsBeaver Valley$3,950.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsCity of Rossland$6,664.29
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsCity of Trail$3,000.00
The Rossland Gold Fever FolliesWhat's in a Name - Show and Mentorship Program Shuts-InsVillage of Warfield$2,800.00
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.Area B$134.22
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.Beaver Valley$150.00
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.City of Rossland$85.71
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.City of Trail$3,260.24
The Trail Maple Leaf BandUpgrade / replacement of old percussion equipment.Village of Warfield$164.22
Tourism Rossland SocietyRotating Sculpture LeaseCity of Rossland$970.86
Trail & District Public LibraryIndigenous Art and Craft WorkshopsCity of Trail$6,000.00
Trail & District Public LibraryIndigenous Art and Craft WorkshopsVillage of Warfield$1,896.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramArea B$1,850.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramBeaver Valley$1,850.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramCity of Rossland$761.57
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramCity of Trail$8,000.00
Trail and District After School Band Program SocietyTrail and District After School Band ProgramVillage of Warfield$1,850.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesArea B$1,500.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesCity of Rossland$750.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesCity of Trail$6,000.00
Trail and District Senior Citizens' Villa SocietySeniors' Villa Suite UpgradesVillage of Warfield$1,500.00
Trail Chamber of CommerceKootenay Teen Chef ClubCity of Trail$17,833.75
Trail Chamber of CommerceKootenay Teen Chef ClubVillage of Warfield$6,222.85
Visions For Small Schools SocietyClassroom Expansion & FurnitureArea B$2,300.00
Visions For Small Schools SocietyClassroom Expansion & FurnitureCity of Rossland$2,928.57
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsBeaver Valley$1,500.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsCity of Rossland$1,585.71
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsCity of Trail$1,000.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietyFarms To FriendsVillage of Warfield$1,000.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersArea B$500.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersBeaver Valley$1,500.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersCity of Rossland$1,357.14
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersCity of Trail$3,000.00
West Kootenay Community EcoSocietySupporting community engagement with marginalized community membersVillage of Warfield$1,000.00
West Kootenay Cycling CoalitionGreen Link GrindCity of Rossland$585.57
West Kootenay Cycling CoalitionGreen Link GrindCity of Trail$1,500.00
West Kootenay Cycling CoalitionGreen Link GrindVillage of Warfield$500.00
West Kooteny Minor Lacrosse AssociationWest kootenay expansionCity of Rossland$701.00
West Kooteny Minor Lacrosse AssociationWest kootenay expansionCity of Trail$1,500.00


Project reporting:

CIP Final Report (Schedule A)

CIP Interim Report (Schedule B)

Please contact our office at CBT-CIP@rdkb.com for copies of the final reports.

The Community Initiatives Program is funded by Columbia Basin Trust and is administered by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. The grant is shared among local communities within the Columbia Basin on the basis of population.

If you would like more information please email CBT-CIP@rdkb.com, call 250-368-9148 EXT 291

Questions & Comments

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  • Share Kootenay Teen Chef Club was an awesome program for my son & niece. The program provided them an opportunity to be creative in the kitchen and learn new skills while coming up with recipes for each of the monthly themed food challenges. Shopping locally and utilizing the fresh food available at the Market was a great inspiration while also teaching them how to stay within their budget. on Facebook Share Kootenay Teen Chef Club was an awesome program for my son & niece. The program provided them an opportunity to be creative in the kitchen and learn new skills while coming up with recipes for each of the monthly themed food challenges. Shopping locally and utilizing the fresh food available at the Market was a great inspiration while also teaching them how to stay within their budget. on Twitter Share Kootenay Teen Chef Club was an awesome program for my son & niece. The program provided them an opportunity to be creative in the kitchen and learn new skills while coming up with recipes for each of the monthly themed food challenges. Shopping locally and utilizing the fresh food available at the Market was a great inspiration while also teaching them how to stay within their budget. on Linkedin Email Kootenay Teen Chef Club was an awesome program for my son & niece. The program provided them an opportunity to be creative in the kitchen and learn new skills while coming up with recipes for each of the monthly themed food challenges. Shopping locally and utilizing the fresh food available at the Market was a great inspiration while also teaching them how to stay within their budget. link

    Kootenay Teen Chef Club was an awesome program for my son & niece. The program provided them an opportunity to be creative in the kitchen and learn new skills while coming up with recipes for each of the monthly themed food challenges. Shopping locally and utilizing the fresh food available at the Market was a great inspiration while also teaching them how to stay within their budget.

    CDan asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment. 

    Community members are invited to know more about this project and can view the application by selecting one of the noted areas the organization is seeking funding support from.

    Please see "Applications by Area" in the right hand widget section

    Project #Registered Applicant/Organization Legal NameProject Title Amount - Beaver Valley  Amount - Area B  Amount - Rossland  Amount - Warfield   Amount - Trail  TOTAL FUNDING REQUESTED 
    2022-051Trail Chamber of CommerceKootenay Teen Chef Club$6,440.00
  • Share Our Family is so thankful for the Kootenay Teen Chef Club. My daughter enjoyed budgeting for her menu, visiting the Trail Market and trying out new recipes using seasonal produce. She would really love the opportunity to participate in the program again. Thank you for your consideration! on Facebook Share Our Family is so thankful for the Kootenay Teen Chef Club. My daughter enjoyed budgeting for her menu, visiting the Trail Market and trying out new recipes using seasonal produce. She would really love the opportunity to participate in the program again. Thank you for your consideration! on Twitter Share Our Family is so thankful for the Kootenay Teen Chef Club. My daughter enjoyed budgeting for her menu, visiting the Trail Market and trying out new recipes using seasonal produce. She would really love the opportunity to participate in the program again. Thank you for your consideration! on Linkedin Email Our Family is so thankful for the Kootenay Teen Chef Club. My daughter enjoyed budgeting for her menu, visiting the Trail Market and trying out new recipes using seasonal produce. She would really love the opportunity to participate in the program again. Thank you for your consideration! link

    Our Family is so thankful for the Kootenay Teen Chef Club. My daughter enjoyed budgeting for her menu, visiting the Trail Market and trying out new recipes using seasonal produce. She would really love the opportunity to participate in the program again. Thank you for your consideration!

    Leanne Randall asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment, if you would like to read about their application please view it in widget column item "Applications by Area".

    Registered Applicant/Organization Legal NameProject Title Amount - Beaver Valley  Amount - Area B  Amount - Rossland  Amount - Warfield   Amount - Trail  TOTAL FUNDING REQUESTED 
    Trail Chamber of CommerceKootenay Teen Chef Club$6,440.00
  • Share I am a member of the Kootenay Brain injury Association, Trail group. I have been going to this group for 2 years now. This group helps me understand and accept what has happened. That I am not alone. Their support has helped me very much. I look forward to going each week. on Facebook Share I am a member of the Kootenay Brain injury Association, Trail group. I have been going to this group for 2 years now. This group helps me understand and accept what has happened. That I am not alone. Their support has helped me very much. I look forward to going each week. on Twitter Share I am a member of the Kootenay Brain injury Association, Trail group. I have been going to this group for 2 years now. This group helps me understand and accept what has happened. That I am not alone. Their support has helped me very much. I look forward to going each week. on Linkedin Email I am a member of the Kootenay Brain injury Association, Trail group. I have been going to this group for 2 years now. This group helps me understand and accept what has happened. That I am not alone. Their support has helped me very much. I look forward to going each week. link

    I am a member of the Kootenay Brain injury Association, Trail group. I have been going to this group for 2 years now. This group helps me understand and accept what has happened. That I am not alone. Their support has helped me very much. I look forward to going each week.

    Cathy asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment. 

    Registered Applicant/Organization Legal Name

    Project Title

     Amount - Beaver Valley 

     Amount - Area B 

     Amount - Rossland 

     Amount - Warfield  

     Amount - Trail 


    Kootenay Brain Injury Association

    STRIVE Project







     If you would like to read about their application please view it in widget column item "Applications by Area".

  • Share As a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association I find the groups they offer to be really beneficial. I like that the groups bring people and services together that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. I appreciate the company for working with people as they are and accepting them. I like that we get to socialize, and they provide me with good information on how to problem solve. We get insight from the groups and we learn from each other. Kootenay Brain Injury Association also helps me access other services within the community. - Vince S. on Facebook Share As a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association I find the groups they offer to be really beneficial. I like that the groups bring people and services together that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. I appreciate the company for working with people as they are and accepting them. I like that we get to socialize, and they provide me with good information on how to problem solve. We get insight from the groups and we learn from each other. Kootenay Brain Injury Association also helps me access other services within the community. - Vince S. on Twitter Share As a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association I find the groups they offer to be really beneficial. I like that the groups bring people and services together that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. I appreciate the company for working with people as they are and accepting them. I like that we get to socialize, and they provide me with good information on how to problem solve. We get insight from the groups and we learn from each other. Kootenay Brain Injury Association also helps me access other services within the community. - Vince S. on Linkedin Email As a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association I find the groups they offer to be really beneficial. I like that the groups bring people and services together that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. I appreciate the company for working with people as they are and accepting them. I like that we get to socialize, and they provide me with good information on how to problem solve. We get insight from the groups and we learn from each other. Kootenay Brain Injury Association also helps me access other services within the community. - Vince S. link

    As a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association I find the groups they offer to be really beneficial. I like that the groups bring people and services together that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. I appreciate the company for working with people as they are and accepting them. I like that we get to socialize, and they provide me with good information on how to problem solve. We get insight from the groups and we learn from each other. Kootenay Brain Injury Association also helps me access other services within the community. - Vince S.

    Naomizo asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment. 

    Registered Applicant/Organization Legal Name

    Project Title

     Amount - Beaver Valley 

     Amount - Area B 

     Amount - Rossland 

     Amount - Warfield  

     Amount - Trail 


    Kootenay Brain Injury Association

    STRIVE Project







     If you would like to read about their application please view it in widget column item "Applications by Area".

  • Share The Kootenay Brain Injury Association has helped me when I started with them and needed a ride to places. During group sessions they have given me people I can relate to. I have also picked up skills from the group sessions like art. They have helped me with my memory. - Scott J on Facebook Share The Kootenay Brain Injury Association has helped me when I started with them and needed a ride to places. During group sessions they have given me people I can relate to. I have also picked up skills from the group sessions like art. They have helped me with my memory. - Scott J on Twitter Share The Kootenay Brain Injury Association has helped me when I started with them and needed a ride to places. During group sessions they have given me people I can relate to. I have also picked up skills from the group sessions like art. They have helped me with my memory. - Scott J on Linkedin Email The Kootenay Brain Injury Association has helped me when I started with them and needed a ride to places. During group sessions they have given me people I can relate to. I have also picked up skills from the group sessions like art. They have helped me with my memory. - Scott J link

    The Kootenay Brain Injury Association has helped me when I started with them and needed a ride to places. During group sessions they have given me people I can relate to. I have also picked up skills from the group sessions like art. They have helped me with my memory. - Scott J

    Naomizo asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment.

    Registered Applicant/Organization Legal Name

    Project Title

     Amount - Beaver Valley 

     Amount - Area B 

     Amount - Rossland 

     Amount - Warfield  

     Amount - Trail 


    Kootenay Brain Injury Association

    STRIVE Project







    If you would like to read more about their application please view it in widget column item "Applications by Area".

  • Share My four children attend Rossland Summit School and I often volunteer in the school cafeteria. This is such an important service to the school community - providing healthy lunch options (and sometimes the only lunch option) to students and staff. It is a shame how much waste there is with our current limitations. The ability to provide nutritious food in a sustainable manner will allow us to continue providing this benefit without harming our surroundings. on Facebook Share My four children attend Rossland Summit School and I often volunteer in the school cafeteria. This is such an important service to the school community - providing healthy lunch options (and sometimes the only lunch option) to students and staff. It is a shame how much waste there is with our current limitations. The ability to provide nutritious food in a sustainable manner will allow us to continue providing this benefit without harming our surroundings. on Twitter Share My four children attend Rossland Summit School and I often volunteer in the school cafeteria. This is such an important service to the school community - providing healthy lunch options (and sometimes the only lunch option) to students and staff. It is a shame how much waste there is with our current limitations. The ability to provide nutritious food in a sustainable manner will allow us to continue providing this benefit without harming our surroundings. on Linkedin Email My four children attend Rossland Summit School and I often volunteer in the school cafeteria. This is such an important service to the school community - providing healthy lunch options (and sometimes the only lunch option) to students and staff. It is a shame how much waste there is with our current limitations. The ability to provide nutritious food in a sustainable manner will allow us to continue providing this benefit without harming our surroundings. link

    My four children attend Rossland Summit School and I often volunteer in the school cafeteria. This is such an important service to the school community - providing healthy lunch options (and sometimes the only lunch option) to students and staff. It is a shame how much waste there is with our current limitations. The ability to provide nutritious food in a sustainable manner will allow us to continue providing this benefit without harming our surroundings.

    srecchi asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment, please view the Rossland Summit School's in the widget column "Area Applications"

  • Share I am a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association. This association has provided me with endless support in handling every day tasks and problems as they arise. They have helped me cope with my injury and provided support with my recovery. This association has made me aware of the limitations that my injury provides and has helped me accept those limitations. -Patrick J. on Facebook Share I am a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association. This association has provided me with endless support in handling every day tasks and problems as they arise. They have helped me cope with my injury and provided support with my recovery. This association has made me aware of the limitations that my injury provides and has helped me accept those limitations. -Patrick J. on Twitter Share I am a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association. This association has provided me with endless support in handling every day tasks and problems as they arise. They have helped me cope with my injury and provided support with my recovery. This association has made me aware of the limitations that my injury provides and has helped me accept those limitations. -Patrick J. on Linkedin Email I am a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association. This association has provided me with endless support in handling every day tasks and problems as they arise. They have helped me cope with my injury and provided support with my recovery. This association has made me aware of the limitations that my injury provides and has helped me accept those limitations. -Patrick J. link

    I am a member of the Kootenay Brain Injury Association. This association has provided me with endless support in handling every day tasks and problems as they arise. They have helped me cope with my injury and provided support with my recovery. This association has made me aware of the limitations that my injury provides and has helped me accept those limitations. -Patrick J.

    Naomizo asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment.

  • Share Hi, The Trail and Distract Public Library has been a great source for connection and activity. Their programs have provided me with connection and learning. on Facebook Share Hi, The Trail and Distract Public Library has been a great source for connection and activity. Their programs have provided me with connection and learning. on Twitter Share Hi, The Trail and Distract Public Library has been a great source for connection and activity. Their programs have provided me with connection and learning. on Linkedin Email Hi, The Trail and Distract Public Library has been a great source for connection and activity. Their programs have provided me with connection and learning. link

    Hi, The Trail and Distract Public Library has been a great source for connection and activity. Their programs have provided me with connection and learning.

    Mitch asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment.

  • Share The Kootenay Brain Injury Association programs have been very helpful in providing supports to my brother who has recently moved here to live with us in the Kootenays. He particularly enjoys the Wednesday support group held in Trail where he gets to interact with others having ABI, likes the variety in presentations (Art, Music, Fun Physiotherapy etc) and the lunch provided is always a hit with him. on Facebook Share The Kootenay Brain Injury Association programs have been very helpful in providing supports to my brother who has recently moved here to live with us in the Kootenays. He particularly enjoys the Wednesday support group held in Trail where he gets to interact with others having ABI, likes the variety in presentations (Art, Music, Fun Physiotherapy etc) and the lunch provided is always a hit with him. on Twitter Share The Kootenay Brain Injury Association programs have been very helpful in providing supports to my brother who has recently moved here to live with us in the Kootenays. He particularly enjoys the Wednesday support group held in Trail where he gets to interact with others having ABI, likes the variety in presentations (Art, Music, Fun Physiotherapy etc) and the lunch provided is always a hit with him. on Linkedin Email The Kootenay Brain Injury Association programs have been very helpful in providing supports to my brother who has recently moved here to live with us in the Kootenays. He particularly enjoys the Wednesday support group held in Trail where he gets to interact with others having ABI, likes the variety in presentations (Art, Music, Fun Physiotherapy etc) and the lunch provided is always a hit with him. link

    The Kootenay Brain Injury Association programs have been very helpful in providing supports to my brother who has recently moved here to live with us in the Kootenays. He particularly enjoys the Wednesday support group held in Trail where he gets to interact with others having ABI, likes the variety in presentations (Art, Music, Fun Physiotherapy etc) and the lunch provided is always a hit with him.

    Crystal Pearl-Hodgins asked almost 3 years ago

    The Kootenay Brain Injury Association is requesting CIP funding support from all RDKB areas.  Their 'STRIVE Project' application can be viewed in the Area Applications section of the side bar.

  • Share My son participated in the kootenay teen chef club last year and loved it. He was excited to go to the market each time and find new foods, learn how pumpkin pie is made form scratch, try new mushrooms, etc. He has continued to try his skills out with cooking once a week for the family. He (and the rest of us) are looking forward to seeing it back again this summer. Please and thank you! on Facebook Share My son participated in the kootenay teen chef club last year and loved it. He was excited to go to the market each time and find new foods, learn how pumpkin pie is made form scratch, try new mushrooms, etc. He has continued to try his skills out with cooking once a week for the family. He (and the rest of us) are looking forward to seeing it back again this summer. Please and thank you! on Twitter Share My son participated in the kootenay teen chef club last year and loved it. He was excited to go to the market each time and find new foods, learn how pumpkin pie is made form scratch, try new mushrooms, etc. He has continued to try his skills out with cooking once a week for the family. He (and the rest of us) are looking forward to seeing it back again this summer. Please and thank you! on Linkedin Email My son participated in the kootenay teen chef club last year and loved it. He was excited to go to the market each time and find new foods, learn how pumpkin pie is made form scratch, try new mushrooms, etc. He has continued to try his skills out with cooking once a week for the family. He (and the rest of us) are looking forward to seeing it back again this summer. Please and thank you! link

    My son participated in the kootenay teen chef club last year and loved it. He was excited to go to the market each time and find new foods, learn how pumpkin pie is made form scratch, try new mushrooms, etc. He has continued to try his skills out with cooking once a week for the family. He (and the rest of us) are looking forward to seeing it back again this summer. Please and thank you!

    Sita Lawson asked almost 3 years ago

    The Trail Chamber of Commerce has submitted a 2022 CIP application for CIP funding consideration - the project is "Kootenay Teen Chef Club" - check it out !!

Page last updated: 04 Jul 2022, 03:25 PM