Climate Action Plan

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The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board of Directors recognizes the immediate need for bold climate action


Residents and businesses in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) are already experiencing significant impacts due to climate change, in the form of record-setting wildfires and flooding as well as extreme heatwaves, drought, and storm events. These changes are expected to continue and, in many cases, may increase in frequency or intensity over the next few decades.

The scientific community agrees that the more we reduce total emissions in the short term, the less extreme these changes will be over time. Therefore, acting earlier is likely to be less costly than delaying action.

Recognizing this, the RDKB declared


Residents and businesses in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) are already experiencing significant impacts due to climate change, in the form of record-setting wildfires and flooding as well as extreme heatwaves, drought, and storm events. These changes are expected to continue and, in many cases, may increase in frequency or intensity over the next few decades.

The scientific community agrees that the more we reduce total emissions in the short term, the less extreme these changes will be over time. Therefore, acting earlier is likely to be less costly than delaying action.

Recognizing this, the RDKB declared a Climate Action Imperative on October 30, 2019, which states:

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board of Directors recognizes the immediate need for bold climate action at all levels of Government including global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.”

In response to this Imperative, the RDKB has developed a long-term Climate Action Plan for the RDKB corporate operations and electoral areas. This Plan articulates a proactive and appropriate response to minimize emissions contributing to global climate change and adapt to projected climate change impacts. The Plan sets a vision and targets for 2050 and interim dates for .

Overview of the Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan sets out a climate vision and targets for 2030 and 2050, and identifies goals and
actions to reach them. It brings together and builds off the existing work that has been completed or is underway. The plan encompasses:

  • Corporate climate mitigation and energy conservation
  • Community (RDKB electoral areas) climate mitigation and energy conservation
  • Climate adaptation and resilience
  • Maximize co-benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies

Plan Development

This plan was developed through a combination of research and engagement with RDKB staff, stakeholders, directors and the public.

Thank you to those that participated in the public consultation. Your input was insightful and valuable. Thank you.

Want to learn more about climate change?

Check out the links provided on the right hand side of this page to learn more about climate change.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The RDKB is currently developing its Climate Action Plan and we want your input.

    Residents and businesses in the RDKB are already experiencing significant impacts due to climate change, such as record-setting wildfires, flooding, extreme heat waves, drought, and storm events. We have an opportunity as a community to reduce our contribution to the emissions that are causing these changes, and to become a more resilient community.

    The RDKB Climate Action Plan will look at how we can conserve energy, how we can reduce emissions, and how we can better prepare for and adapt to climate change.

    If you live or have a business in an RDKB electoral area, we want your feedback to ensure the Plan reflects our community’s needs and assists the RDKB in setting priorities and making decisions.

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Page last updated: 15 Mar 2023, 10:07 AM