RDKB FireSmart

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Take a two-minute survey below so we can deliver the best RDKB FireSmart program possible!

FireSmart is a brand owned by FireSmart Canada that includes a comprehensive set of tools and guidance on how to undertake and implement community-based wildfire prevention and mitigation initiatives. FireSmart is based on the premise of shared responsibility and promoting integration and collaboration on wildfire prevention and mitigation. It is founded on seven disciplines that are under the responsibility or mandate of different organizations and/or levels of government.

The FireSmart Disciplines

  1. Education: Raising awareness of wildfire risks while teaching about prevention and mitigation.
  2. Vegetation management: Managing fuels on the landscape through effective treatments using the best available science.
  3. Emergency Planning: Participating and encouraging emergency planning by combining local knowledge with expertise in wildfire management.
  4. Cross-training: Participating and promoting cross-training opportunities that support the delivery of the FireSmart program. For example, training with fire departments to improve fighting fires in the Wildland Urban Interface.
  5. Interagency Cooperation: Promoting collaboration between government departments and the different levels of government to better support wildfire preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery.
  6. Development considerations: Using best available science and technology to promote effective local government and land use planning that supports community wildfire resiliency and infrastructure survivability.
  7. Legislation and planning: Development of policy and legislation related to: forestry management practices; integrated land use planning; compliance and enforcement programs; and legal orders.

Take a two-minute survey below so we can deliver the best RDKB FireSmart program possible!

FireSmart is a brand owned by FireSmart Canada that includes a comprehensive set of tools and guidance on how to undertake and implement community-based wildfire prevention and mitigation initiatives. FireSmart is based on the premise of shared responsibility and promoting integration and collaboration on wildfire prevention and mitigation. It is founded on seven disciplines that are under the responsibility or mandate of different organizations and/or levels of government.

The FireSmart Disciplines

  1. Education: Raising awareness of wildfire risks while teaching about prevention and mitigation.
  2. Vegetation management: Managing fuels on the landscape through effective treatments using the best available science.
  3. Emergency Planning: Participating and encouraging emergency planning by combining local knowledge with expertise in wildfire management.
  4. Cross-training: Participating and promoting cross-training opportunities that support the delivery of the FireSmart program. For example, training with fire departments to improve fighting fires in the Wildland Urban Interface.
  5. Interagency Cooperation: Promoting collaboration between government departments and the different levels of government to better support wildfire preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery.
  6. Development considerations: Using best available science and technology to promote effective local government and land use planning that supports community wildfire resiliency and infrastructure survivability.
  7. Legislation and planning: Development of policy and legislation related to: forestry management practices; integrated land use planning; compliance and enforcement programs; and legal orders.

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Page last updated: 13 Sep 2021, 01:16 PM