RDKB's Mosquito Control Program

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Our public consultation is now closed, so watch for the renewed pest management plan to be posted in our documents section on this page in the coming weeks.

On behalf of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), Morrow BioScience Ltd. is in the process of renewing RDKB’s Pest Management Plan (PMP). The PMP will provide direction for RDKB’s Mosquito Control Program in response to nuisance, economic, and environmental concerns of mosquitos. A major part of the process is engagement with local First Nations, other levels of government, resource users, and any other interested stakeholders.

Through February and March

Our public consultation is now closed, so watch for the renewed pest management plan to be posted in our documents section on this page in the coming weeks.

On behalf of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), Morrow BioScience Ltd. is in the process of renewing RDKB’s Pest Management Plan (PMP). The PMP will provide direction for RDKB’s Mosquito Control Program in response to nuisance, economic, and environmental concerns of mosquitos. A major part of the process is engagement with local First Nations, other levels of government, resource users, and any other interested stakeholders.

Through February and March 2021, residents in the Grand Forks, Electoral Area 'D' and Christina Lake were invited to:

  • have a look at the map below of the known mosquito sites, and
  • provide comments and ask questions regarding RDKB's Pest Management Plan and Mosquito Control Program by posting a comment.

Area Covered by the PMP

The geographic boundaries of the PMP are limited to public and private lands within the following areas:

  • Grand Forks and surrounding area.
  • Electoral Area ‘D’/Rural Grand Forks along the Granby River, 20km north from Grand Forks and surrounding area.
  • Christina Lake and surrounding area.

Most mosquito development sites are located in floodwater areas and rainwater catchments associated with the Kettle and Granby Rivers, Christina Lake and Christina Lake outflow.

Activity on other Provincial Crown lands will be under the jurisdiction of this PMP but will only be considered after discussions with the appropriate Provincial Ministry. All other Federal Crown lands and Private lands are not covered directly under this PMP but may be considered for control after engagement with the appropriate stakeholders.

Mosquito Control (2021-2026)

RDKB’s Mosquito Control Program will be carried out using current best management practices. Mosquito control has three major phases:

  • Public Education.
  • Mapping and Monitoring.
  • Larval Control.

Public Education is conducted throughout the affected areas and may include social media, newspaper and radio advertisements as well as brochures, posters, and event attendance. This portion of the Mosquito Control Program continues throughout the year.

During the summer months, the Mosquito Control Program will engage in mapping and monitoring of known and new mosquito development sites. The Mosquito Control Program uses local knowledge and detailed maps to accurately capture the location and then monitor these mosquito development sites.

Larval control involves applying a target specific larvicide to active mosquito development sites. The PMP outlines that bacterial agent “Bti” will be used as a larvicide. “Bti” is formulated specifically for control of mosquito larva and is registered for use in Canada. “Bti” is known to be fairly specific to mosquitoes, non-toxic, and non-residual.

The RDKB does not use chemical controls on adult mosquitos as part of their mosquito control program.

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Map of Mosquito Control Areas

almost 4 years

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 23 Mar 2023, 04:08 PM