Rural Bridesville Land Use Planning

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Photo - Darren Robinson

The Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw, No. 1815, was deferred by the Board of Directors

Planning staff will no longer be working on developing this Zoning Bylaw and will be moving onto other planning projects. Thank you to everyone who participated in the work that was done.

A special thanks to the members of the Steering Committee, who put in a lot of time and effort to this planning project.

Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw, No. 1815, will be considered by the Board of Directors on December 14, 2022

The Zoning Bylaw, No. 1815 is going to the Board of Directors on December 14, 2022. The Summary of Feedback from the Open House The Planning Department has given a recommendation to defer. If the Board supports this recommendation, the bylaw will not move forward. The following documents were sent to the Board for their meeting.

Board Report

Amended Bylaw 1815

Open House for the Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw (No. 1815) was held at the Bridesville Community Hall on November 30, 2022.

The Board of Directors asked staff to gather more information from the public on the Zoning Bylaw, including further changes that could be made.

Comments from the Open House were recorded by the facilitator and are available in the documents section of this page - Residents Feedback Summary.

The RDKB Board of Directors delayed third reading of the Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw (No. 1815) pending further public consultation. The zoning bylaw regulates uses, density, setback distances and height of structures.

Planning Staff will meet with the Steering Committee to discuss what was heard at the Public Hearing in August. Based on those discussions, changes will be proposed to the Zoning Bylaw, then these changes will be presented to the public for comment at an Open House.

Based on what is heard at the Open House, further changes could be made. The revised bylaw will be considered by the Board of Directors.

The Board may then instruct Planning Staff to hold a second Public Hearing. Based on comments received at the Public Hearing, the Board would consider whether to adopt the bylaw.

The RDKB Board of Directors adopted the Rural Bridesville Official Community Plan (1800) on September 28, 2022.

The Rural Bridesville Official Community Plan applies to an area that lies between the US border to the south; the boundary with the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen to the west; the Mt. Baldy land use area to the north and Canyon Bridge to the east. This is the same area as what would be in the Zoning Bylaw.

The Plan Area does NOT INCLUDE lands outside the area highlighted on this map. There are no plans to expand to other portions of Electoral Area E/West Boundary as there are 10 other bylaw reviews in the work plan for the Planning and Development Department. Each bylaw review takes approximately 2 years to complete.

Planning helps a community influence how development occurs. An official community plan outlines a community vision and policies, giving the RDKB guidance on what to include in other bylaws and what to communicate to Provincial agencies, such as the Ministry of Forests and the Agricultural Land Commission. A zoning bylaw sets out permitted and prohibited land uses and minimum lot sizes for subdivision. These two bylaws help influence what can happen where on a landscape, on private and public land.

Amendments can be applied for to change bylaws once they are adopted. Amendments are applied for through the planning department and a public hearing is part of the process. These public hearings would allow community members to have input on what amendments are approved and therefore what changes occur in the community. For more information see How to Apply for OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendments.

If you're looking for further information about any of the above please email Liz Moore at or

The Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw, No. 1815, was deferred by the Board of Directors

Planning staff will no longer be working on developing this Zoning Bylaw and will be moving onto other planning projects. Thank you to everyone who participated in the work that was done.

A special thanks to the members of the Steering Committee, who put in a lot of time and effort to this planning project.

Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw, No. 1815, will be considered by the Board of Directors on December 14, 2022

The Zoning Bylaw, No. 1815 is going to the Board of Directors on December 14, 2022. The Summary of Feedback from the Open House The Planning Department has given a recommendation to defer. If the Board supports this recommendation, the bylaw will not move forward. The following documents were sent to the Board for their meeting.

Board Report

Amended Bylaw 1815

Open House for the Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw (No. 1815) was held at the Bridesville Community Hall on November 30, 2022.

The Board of Directors asked staff to gather more information from the public on the Zoning Bylaw, including further changes that could be made.

Comments from the Open House were recorded by the facilitator and are available in the documents section of this page - Residents Feedback Summary.

The RDKB Board of Directors delayed third reading of the Rural Bridesville Zoning Bylaw (No. 1815) pending further public consultation. The zoning bylaw regulates uses, density, setback distances and height of structures.

Planning Staff will meet with the Steering Committee to discuss what was heard at the Public Hearing in August. Based on those discussions, changes will be proposed to the Zoning Bylaw, then these changes will be presented to the public for comment at an Open House.

Based on what is heard at the Open House, further changes could be made. The revised bylaw will be considered by the Board of Directors.

The Board may then instruct Planning Staff to hold a second Public Hearing. Based on comments received at the Public Hearing, the Board would consider whether to adopt the bylaw.

The RDKB Board of Directors adopted the Rural Bridesville Official Community Plan (1800) on September 28, 2022.

The Rural Bridesville Official Community Plan applies to an area that lies between the US border to the south; the boundary with the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen to the west; the Mt. Baldy land use area to the north and Canyon Bridge to the east. This is the same area as what would be in the Zoning Bylaw.

The Plan Area does NOT INCLUDE lands outside the area highlighted on this map. There are no plans to expand to other portions of Electoral Area E/West Boundary as there are 10 other bylaw reviews in the work plan for the Planning and Development Department. Each bylaw review takes approximately 2 years to complete.

Planning helps a community influence how development occurs. An official community plan outlines a community vision and policies, giving the RDKB guidance on what to include in other bylaws and what to communicate to Provincial agencies, such as the Ministry of Forests and the Agricultural Land Commission. A zoning bylaw sets out permitted and prohibited land uses and minimum lot sizes for subdivision. These two bylaws help influence what can happen where on a landscape, on private and public land.

Amendments can be applied for to change bylaws once they are adopted. Amendments are applied for through the planning department and a public hearing is part of the process. These public hearings would allow community members to have input on what amendments are approved and therefore what changes occur in the community. For more information see How to Apply for OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendments.

If you're looking for further information about any of the above please email Liz Moore at or

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Rural Bridesville Land Use Plan Area

almost 2 years

The area for the land use plan is shown on the map in pink, adjacent to the Mount Baldy Plan Area, shown in purple. 

A few points have been added showing where some heritage sites are located around the Rural Bridesville Plan Area. If you think there are others that should be recognized in the plan, please add a point and label it!

The same can be done for recreation areas, parks, trails and areas for conservation. These could be areas recognized as parks in the future or included in protected areas or trail networks. 

No public contributions were made to this map to suggest areas of interest for public recreation, heritage value or future parks. As the Rural Bridesville Land Use Plan is now being considered by the board and will be going to public hearing, this exercise has been closed for comment.